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From left: Christina Kämpe, Julia Bergqvist, Frida Tosterud Grov, Marie Meyer, Lovisa Andersson

Colliers Nordics appoints five new partners

Colliers announces the promotion of Frida Tosterud Grov, Julia Bergqvist, Christina Kämpe, Marie Meyer, and Lovisa Andersson into the Colliers partnership, effective as of September 28th 2023. The development of Colliers' partnership pipeline marks a significant milestone in Colliers Nordics' journey to become the best employer in the industry.
- At Colliers, we take great pride in our culture,

Colliers utnevnt til beste nordiske byrå og beste rådgiver for analyse

Colliers er stolte over å ha vunnet kategoriene «beste byrå» og «beste rådgiver» for analyse i Norden av den prestisjetunge Euromoney Global Real Estate Awards.
På globalt nivå er Colliers anerkjent som den mest vellykkede rådgiveren på det kommersielle eiendomsmarkedet, og er utnevnt som «Best Agency» med 10 priser på verdensbasis – mer enn noen annen global kommersiell megler og rådgiver.

Colliers utses till Best Agency och Best Advisor/Consultant for Research i Norden

Colliers Nordics är stolta över att meddela att de har vunnit både kategorierna "Best Agency" och "Best Advisor/Consultant for Research" i Norden i de prestigefyllda Euromoney Global Real Estate Awards.
På global nivå erkänns Colliers som den mest framgångsrika rådgivaren på den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden och har blivit utsedda till "bästa byrå" med totalt 10 priser världen över – fler än

Colliers named best Nordic agency and best advisor for research

Colliers Nordics is proud to announce that they have won both categories as “Best Agency” and “Best Advisor/Consultant for Research” in the Nordics by the prestigious Euromoney Global Real Estate Awards.

On a global level, Colliers is recognized as the most successful advisor in the commercial real estate market, being named “best agency” with 10 awards worldwide – more than any other globa

Folksam Fastigheter anlitar Colliers för uthyrning i Vasahuset

Folksam Fastigheter anlitar Colliers för uthyrning i Vasahuset

Colliers får i uppdrag av Folksam Fastigheter att hyra ut 2 200 kvadratmeter kontor i Vasahuset på Vasagatan 11. Kontors- och hotellfastigheterna Kortbyrån 19 och Kortbyrån 20 förvärvades i november 2022 av Folksamgruppen, genom KPA Pension. Uthyrningsuppdraget startar omgående.

Colliers is expanding with five new employees

Colliers strengthens its teams in Stockholm and Gothenburg with five new talents. These new recruits will contribute to enhancing the company's presence and ability to deliver high-quality services within Leasing, Tenant Representation & Enterprise Clients, and Capital Markets.

Colliers expanderar och anställer fem nya medarbetare

Colliers förstärker teamen i Stockholm och Göteborg med fem nya talanger. Dessa nyrekryteringar kommer att bidra till att stärka företagets närvaro och förmåga att leverera högkvalitativa tjänster inom Leasing, Tenant Representation & Enterprise Clients och Capital Markets.

CRE investors look to JVs and sale and leaseback opportunities amid ongoing EMEA market pricing reset

CRE investors look to JVs and sale and leaseback opportunities amid ongoing EMEA market pricing reset

Major portfolio deals remain scarce as investors focus on assets in mid-price range
Pricing uncertainty and tighter financial conditions continue to dampen trade in EMEA commercial real estate (CRE), although green shoots can be seen with investors fine tuning their asset exposure through strategic joint ventures and sale and leaseback opportunities, according to Colliers' latest EMEA Cap

Venturi Fastigheter förvärvar central utvecklingsfastighet i Borås

Venturi Fastigheter förvärvar central utvecklingsfastighet i Borås

Venturi Fastigheter har framgångsrikt förvärvat en industrifastighet på Vinstocken 3 i Borås. Fastigheten är fullt uthyrd och har för närvarande en byggnad på cirka 13 300 kvadratmeter samt en tomtareal på cirka 24 000 kvadratmeter. Colliers har agerat transaktionsrådgivare åt säljaren Mogambo Utvecklings AB. 

Photo: Dmitry Tkachenko

The Tvenge family has purchased two of Oslo's most iconic properties

The Tvenge family has, through the Fram Eiendom companies Titas Eiendom AS and Fram Realinvest AS, acquired two of Oslo's most iconic properties located at Henrik Ibsens gate 53 and Inkognitogata 34, with a gross property value of NOK 425 million. Both properties were sold by Nordea Liv Eiendom AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nordea Liv Norge AS.

Foto: Dmitry Tkachenko

Tvenge-familien har kjøpt to av Oslos mest ikoniske eiendommer

Tvenge-familien har gjennom Fram Eiendom-selskapene Titas Eiendom AS og Fram Realinvest AS, kjøpt to av Oslos mest ikoniske eiendommer i Henrik Ibsens gate 53 og Inkognitogata 34, til en brutto eiendomsverdi på NOK 425m. Begge eiendommene ble solgt av Nordea Liv Eiendom AS, et heleid datterselskap av Nordea Liv Norge AS.

Colliers rådgivare vid uthyrning av 1 668 kvm kontor på Kungsholmen

Colliers rådgivare vid uthyrning av 1 668 kvm kontor på Kungsholmen

Anders Bodin Fastigheter har tecknat avtal med Hotell- och Restaurangfacket (HRF) samt Hotell-och Restauranganställdas A-kassa (HRAK) som etablerar nytt huvudkontor om 1 700 kvm kontor på Alströmergatan 12 på Kungsholmen. Tillträde till lokalerna kommer att ske den 1 mars 2024 och hyreskontraktet sträcker sig över sex år.

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Accelerating success.

Colliers Nordics
Our pan Nordic team consists of more than 250 professionals in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland within the advisory business. Colliers is the market leader in the region, with over 16% of market activity based on 2018 - full year 2023. Colliers experts offer qualified knowledge within Capital Markets, Debt Advisory, Project Finance, Leasing, Valuations, Research and Occupier Services. With offices in all Nordic countries and a strong Nordic cooperation, we create effective solutions to create value for all our clients, both locally and cross borders.

About Colliers
Colliers is a leading diversified professional services and investment management company. With operations in 68 countries, our 19,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expert real estate and investment advice to clients. For more than 29 years, our experienced leadership with significant inside ownership has delivered compound annual investment returns of approximately 20% for shareholders. With annual revenues of $4.3 billion and $96 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people. Learn more at, X @Colliers or LinkedIn.


Norrlandsgatan 15
109 95 Stockholm