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Colliers focuses once again on Retail
Now Colliers International in Sweden is renewing its commitment to Retail. The company’s new Head of Leasing, Sophia Heurlin, will devote part of her energies to building up the retail part of the business together with Lina Östlund, recently hired from TAM Retail. Colliers International is globally strong in Retail, so it is a natural step to once again offer retail expertise in Sweden. Work has already begun on assignments from Colliers’ Nordic real estate network.
Sophia Heurlin, Head of Leasing at Colliers, says: “For years, Colliers had a large and successful Retail department, in which I myself used to work. Rebuilding this leg of Leasing feels like a natural step and a vital component in a full-service offering on the market”.
Retail is a part of Colliers’ new Leasing group, which offers expertise in Retail, Office, Industrial & Logistics and Corporate Solutions. The ambition has been to offer a full spectrum of services under Leasing, which is a very important business area for Colliers.
Dan Törnsten, CEO at Colliers, says: “Colliers’ other business areas such as Property Management and Investment Sales derive great benefit from the Leasing group, and this ultimately enables us to offer our customers better and more comprehensive service.”
Today the Leasing group consists of 10 persons. In addition to Lina Östlund, Pär Westin and Christer Randmaa have been hired within Leasing in Stockholm. Rozana Yevno Eriksson and Rasmus Östlund make up the new Leasing team in Gothenburg. They have been working at Colliers since early August and are now responsible, together with Christoffer Bladh Nord, for leasing assignments in Gothenburg. Colliers is big on the spot market in Gothenburg, but also works with leasing projects on a larger scale.
Colliers International Group Inc. (Nasdaq:CIGI) (TSX:CIG) är globala ledare inom kommersiella fastighetstjänster med mer än 16 300 anställda på 502 kontor i 67 länder. Med ett komplett utbud av tjänster till hyresgäster, ägare och investerare världen över levererar vi globala verksamhetslösningar, mäklarverksamhet, fastighets- och tillgångsförvaltning, hotellförsäljning- och rådgivning, rådgivning- och värderingstjänster, realkreditfinansiering och insiktsfulla analyser.
Den starka globala organisationen stöder Colliers International i Sverige, som är en privatägd fastighetsrådgivare med specialisering inom uthyrning, förvaltning, och försäljning av kommersiella fastigheter och lokaler. Med kontor i Stockholm och Göteborg samt ett starkt skandinaviskt samarbete ser vi till att våra kunder får professionell rådgivning inom alla delar av den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden.
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